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Air wired Alarm Clock

Since full 3D PCBs still do not exist - except you count multilayer PCBs, but I think they do not really count - you neet to solder the wires into the air yourself if you want to arrange the components in such a way. And if there was a way to do this as easy and fast like populating a classical PCB I really would build every circuit like that since it just looks nice. The alarm clock is build arround an Atmega8 and the code was written in Bascom (unfortunately I cannot find it anymore)

5 DOF Robotik Arm

Robotik arm that I never finised. (still only can move in 4 axis which is kind of pointless, also I don't have the source code any more and it was written in Visual Basic if I remember correctly which is kind of obsolete I guess.

3-Axis CNC Mill

This is a EMC2 controlled low cost CNC mill. It even does not use linear guides for the axis but instead some self build mechanism that uses ball bearing that run on a hardend rod. It works pretty well for soft materials and you can also cut aluminum if the speed is not too high, but of course you cannot achieve the stiffness you could with professional linear guides. It was a fun project to build and in the beginning I used it a lot as a 3D printer (to print the parts for the 3D printer) but it hasn't been used a lot in the past years.

Cube 3D Printer

This in another reprap derivat printer. The main idea to built it was to get a printer which is fast and has lots of space to build things. The x and y axis work with an etch-a-sketch kind of mechanism with two belts. The z axis is driven by 3 thread rods. The main frame is a cube built of 20mm extruded aluminium profile. my frame is 400x400x400 but this can be scaled as you like. The STL files are available for download

EMC2 Reprap Extruder Controller

If you want to use Linux-CNC to controll a 3D printer it works out of the box to controll all the axis. However one thing is not supported directly, which is the temperature control of the hotend and the bed. That is what this project is for. It consists of a small PCB and some code for the microcontroller and to include in EMC2. Everything can be downloaded here

Dual Bowden Extruder

Dual bowden extruder design for the hyper-cube 3D printer. It has two cooled hotends and two ducted fans that blow at each nozzle. The whole design is build around the central crossing section of the two x-y stage rods. The STL files are available for download

First extruder

This was the first design I tried and it was basically a fail. Nevertheless it looks nice and I learned some things. The idea was to use a glass tube as a insulation for the hotend so you do not have to deal with the PTFE insulations that were commonly used at this time and had the problem of not beeing very stable. Another issue with many extruders was that the pulley often tended to grind into the filament causing the extrusion to stop. This should be solved by having two pulleys instead of one. And since I wanted to use the CNC mill for something the thing is milled out of aluminum of course.